Resources During COVID-19

Bluebird Botanicals Resources for Managing Social Distancing

Caring for customers is what we do at Bluebird. As we keep on the pulse of the developing COVID-19 pandemic, we want to make sure our flock is aware of some resources that can help you navigate this new normal. 

From public health information to family activities to keep you occupied to financial options for small businesses, below are a list of some resources that can help you during this period of social distancing. We’re here for you - and we’re stronger as a community.

If you are showing symptoms of COVID-19...

First and foremost: check in with the Center for Disease Control’s website for information about symptoms and ways to prevent COVID-19. The below are general guidelines based on what local municipalities have been recommending in Colorado. 

With community-level transmission of COVID-19 now confirmed in many areas in Colorado and throughout the U.S., testing is not necessary or recommended for all patients. This is so that the most critical cases receive priority care. It is important, however, that the spread of COVID-19 be tracked to align response resources. Check in with your local public health entities - city, county, and state governments - to see what sorts of tracking measures they are implementing and ensure you are up to date on all current regulations. You can also talk with your insurance providers to see if they offer COVID-19 testing free of charge as part of their updated preventative healthcare policies.  

Public Health Information

Right now, the state of Colorado has officially issued a public health order to close all bars, restaurants, theaters, gymnasiums, and other non-essential services facilities statewide until April 30, 2020. California Governor Newsom has taken the most drastic step of any state leader to slow the spread of the coronavirus, ordering all state residents to remain at home. The state of New York is requiring all non-essential workers to stay home, and most travel has been halted across the U.S.-Mexico border. The Coronavirus situation is evolving rapidly and so are state and global responses. 

While we wouldn’t advise tuning into the news 24/7 (see “Managing Stress and Anxiety” below), it’s important to check-in daily and stay abreast of any changes or additional precautions being taken.

The Center for Disease Control has released interim guidance to help households take steps to prepare for community impact of COVID-19. CDC is encouraging all to prepare for the possibility of a COVID-19 outbreak in their community. They have information about how to prepare yourself, family, and home:

  • Don’t Panic
  • Find Local Information
  • Know the Signs & Symptoms
  • Take Steps for Those at Higher Risk
  • Protect Yourself & Family
  • Create a Household Plan
  • Stay Informed About Emergency Plans

  • Colorado Local Information

    Coloradans can visit the Colorado Public Health website on COVID-19 for current information on closures and cancellations, when and how you should self-isolate, tips on prevention, and other critical information.

    Governor Jared Polis is also encouraging Coloradans to share how they are working to keep themselves and community safe during COVID-19. Whether you’re washing your hands for 20+ seconds or grocery shopping for an elderly neighbor, you can share your efforts with the hashtag #DoingMyPartCO to participate in Polis’ social campaign initiative.

    Activities for Kids and Families

    Keeping kids occupied at home during school closures is no easy task, particularly for parents who are still having to work or juggle other responsibilities and resources.

    Thankfully, there are many ways to keep learning alive during the Coronavius. Here are just a few suggestions:

  • Scholastic is offering free, grade-specific online lessons for pre-K through grade 9. 
  • Khan Academy Kids another educator-recommended learning tool. With child-directed learning, it’s a good fit for parents juggling work from home.
  • Practical learning activities, like taking measurements, caring for plants or studying their characteristics, staining furniture, or other activities as are age-appropriate can be not only educational, but a great way to bond with your family.
  • Get back to reading for pleasure. If you’ve got a little one, read with them or to them. Those with more avid readers might try out a family book club, taking the opportunity to discuss your findings each chapter.
  • Physical activity and mindfulness exercises are an important part of a holistic education. Try out a silly aerobic exercise class, get outside for a walk, or even work on trying breathing exercises.

  • Talking to your Kids

    While it might not be the most comfortable conversation to have, it’s necessary to speak with your children about COVID-19. Children react in part to how they see adults around them behave, so they’re bound to pick up that something is off, and will feel more confident if you are transparent with them. 

    There are many ways you can support your children and family:

    • Address your own concerns. Take time to be there for your child, but do so when you’ve reclaimed your own state of calm. This will allow your child to maintain a sense of ease as well, and you to be present and practice active listening.
    • Be developmentally appropriate. Answer your child’s questions fully but try not to overwhelm them with information. 
    • Be reassuring. Focus on what you’re doing to stay safe. Remind kids what they are already doing to stay healthy, like washing their hands for 20 seconds. 
    • Stick to routine. Start with taking care of the basics, like consistent waking and meal times as you would during any break or summer vacation. The activities can be less structured, but create an expectation of learning and activity for each day.

    Our Marketing Director Jason Nelson has shared some tips about parenting during self-isolation that can help you make the best of this uncertain situation, and the CDC also has more information about helping children cope with emergencies

    Managing Anxiety and Stress

    From job uncertainties to a loss of structure routine, there are many shifts that are happening in response to the Coronavirus that could very feasible produce a little anxiety or stress. But you have the capacity to adapt and develop new healthy habits that fit the current homebound environment - and you can use this challenge as an opportunity to make yourself and community stronger.

    Related article: Guide to Gratitude and Stress Relief

    Some things you can do to support and others in coping with stress include:

  • Take breaks from the news. It’s important to stay in touch, but too much news can incite panic.
  • Take care of your body. From deep breaths through stretching to getting adequate sleep, keeping your body in balance is a great way to help with stress.
  • Connect with people. While you do want to maintain proper social-distancing, you can still schedule FaceTime calls with family, or even meet in a big park to do yoga or other non-contact exercises. 
  • Share accurate information. Sharing accurate information about COVID-19 can actually alleviate anxiety by putting things into perspective, as well as making it evident what you can and can’t control. 
  • Tune into morning meditations with Bluebird’s Michael Harinen. Starting this weekend, meditations will be hosted at 8:30 a.m. MT on the Bluebird Botanicals Facebook page

  • It’s important to recognize that stress manifests itself in a multitude of ways, depending on the person. Those who are experiencing crisis or who know someone who is are encouraged to reach out to:

    • 911 - National Emergency Hotline
    • 1-800-283-8255 - National Suicide Prevention Lifeline,
    • 1-800-985-5990 - SAMHSA’s Disaster Distress Helpline, or text TalkWithUs to 66746 (TTY 1-800-846-8517)

    The CDC has even more information on how to manage and reduce stress in emergencies, including specific resources for first responders.

    Financial Resources

    It’s no secret that one of the most trying things about business closures and event cancellations is the resulting job and income insecurity. Whether you’re an employee who is experiencing a work hiatus or a small business needing assistance, there are resources you can access.

    For Individuals

  • Unemployment
  • Crisis funds available for restaurant workers

  • As a reminder, Bluebird’s assistance program is currently offering temporary assistance during COVID-19. 

    Apply for financial assistance. 

    For Businesses

  • Small Business Association Disaster Assistance Program
  • COVID-19 Small Business Loans and Guidance
  • Disaster Recovery Guide for Colorado Businesses

  • How are you managing COVID-19? You can write to Bluebird Botanicals on social media or drop a comment below - your ways of coping may help someone else in need.

    Our Customer Care Team is always here for you. Though working remotely, our team is available by phone, email, and social channels. Call us at (720) 726-5132 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., email, or reach out on social to get help from a real person. 

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